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Divulgation proactive des octrois de subventions et de contributions

Nom du bénéficiaire : Réseau des femmes des Laurentides
Endroit : Saint-Jérôme (Québec)
Date : 2010-03-15
Valeur : 129 595,00 $
Type : Subvention
Objectif : The target objectives are: 1) to promote the development of consultation forums, such as local meetings and Femmes et municipalités régionales de comtés (MRCs) standing committees (women and regional county municipalities) on status of women issues, to increase access to the municipal decision-making bodies, and 2) improve women’s political skills, particularly for those who are far removed from the seats of power (immigrant, Aboriginal, poorly educated women, and others) Activities: media campaign on the development of consultation forums, survey of local elected officials, presentation to elected councils for the implementation of eight Femmes et MRC committees, four local assemblies on decision-making structures, one regional event around the theme of women and leadership, and eight training sessions on leadership and running new Femmes et MRC committees. The anticipated results include 160 women from every MRC developing new tools for participating in decision-making bodies, and 80 women sitting on committees. In order to carry out its activities, the organization will call on a steering committee consisting of women delegates from the member groups and contacts. The group will also rely on external organizations for help with the training.
Observations : Projet pluriannuel de 36 mois